WATCH: Maxine Waters Harasses DOE Employee for Not Letting Dems Storm Building
Rep. Maxine Waters joined a mob of dozens of House Democrats in harassing a Department of Education employee on Friday.

Rep. Maxine Waters joined a mob of dozens of House Democrats in harassing a Department of Education employee on Friday.
Seventy-seven Democrats in the House of Representatives signed a letter Thursday accusing Israel of violating human rights law, disagreeing with the Biden-Harris administration and potentially triggering an arms embargo on Israel.
Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) and other “progressive” Democrats have introduced legislation to restore U.S. funding to the terror-linked United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) despite the fact that several of its employees participated in the Hamas terror attack against Israel on October 7.
A group of Illinois Democrats have joined to demand that the state end a scholarship program that helps more than 9,000 low-income students.
House and Senate Democrats are reportedly circulating a plan to fellow Democrats that would “open the floodgates for Palestinians” to arrive in the United States, according to a report from the Daily Caller.
Pro-Palestinian protesters staged a sit-in at Illinois Democrat Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky’s office in a northern Chicago suburb Thursday.
Representative Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) said Monday on MSNBC’s “Yasmin Vossoughian Reports” that if Democrats win the House majority in the 2024 election they will eliminate debt ceiling votes.
Democrats refused to vote for a resolution condemning recent violence against pro-life pregnancy centers, groups, and churches.
During an interview with NBC on Wednesday, Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) stated that Illinois has “very strong” gun laws, “there were all these signals” about the Highland Park shooter and so “if everything were perfect, we would have been able
Wednesday on CNBC’s “Squawk Box,” Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) blamed oil companies for record-high gas prices across the United States.
Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) said Wednesday she has contracted the Chinese coronavirus, has a fever, and feels generally “ill,” despite being vaccinated and boosted.
Top retail CEOs are calling on Congress to pass legislation to curb the online sale of stolen goods in the wake of national looting sprees.
On Thursday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “All In,” House Consumer Protection and Commerce Subcommittee Chairwoman Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) discussed the subcommittee’s hearing with the CEOs of Facebook, Google, and Twitter and said that the hearing’s purpose was to send the message to tech companies “That we’re going to regulate. We’re going to legislate.”
House Democrats introduced a bill Tuesday that would repeal the Helms Amendment, forcing American taxpayers to fund abortions overseas.
Alveda King said Planned Parenthood’s removal of Margaret Sanger’s name from its abortion clinic in New York City is “just window dressing.”
House Democrats launched a bill that would repeal a long-standing amendment that blocks U.S. foreign aid programs from contributing to abortion overseas.
Red Pilled America, hosted by Adryana Cortez and Patrick Courrielche, profiled Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large Joel Pollak, author of Red November: Will the Country Vote Red for Trump or Red for Socialism?, in its 69th episode, “The ‘Moderate,’” which investigates the Democrat Party’s void of leadership.
HHS Secretary Alex Azar corrected the record at a House hearing when a lawmaker mispresented what President Trump has said about the diease.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said during a press conference Tuesday that she “lost” her fight to remove a provision granting big tech companies expanded immunity in the USMCA. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) told Breitbart News that they still have big reservations over the immunity’s inclusion in the trade deal.
Nancy Pelosi has joined a growing list of lawmakers concerned over the Robert Lighthizer’s inclusion of language protecting big tech companies’ content moderation legal immunity in the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA).
Wednesday on Hill.TV, Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) said U.S. immigration detention facilities were “like concentration camps.” Schakowsky said, “You know, if these children, if these individuals were prisoners of war, that we would be — the United States would be
During Friday’s Democratic Weekly Address, Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus member Representative Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) stated that the policies of the Trump administration have made the challenges faced by the LGBTQ community in health care worse. Schakowsky said, “Pride Month is an
Schakowsky’s embrace of anti-Israel policies and personalities has helped normalize those views among Democrats, who have consequently shown increasing tolerance for left-wing antisemitism.
Ilhan Omar is learning she can attack Jews with complete impunity. And perhaps Jewish Democrats are learning where their party really stands.
Appearing on MSNBC Thursday, Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) attempted to defend Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), suggesting that her repeated antisemitism be met with more understanding because she is a Somalian refugee.
A group of Democrats from Chicago slammed the Chicago Bears for backing the NFL’s new policy meant to put an end to player protests during the national anthem, a report says.
Thousands of women, and men, took the day off work on International Women’s Day to participate in at least three rallies and strikes throughout Washington D.C. to call for more rights, equality, and freedom.
Disgraced Demcorat operative Robert Creamer was seated at the front of the audience at President Barack Obama’s farewell speech in Chicago on Tuesday evening, despite his leading role in an effort to incite violence at Republican political events.
The House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved a bipartisan measure objecting to last month’s anti-Israel United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334 on Thursday, garnering 342-80 votes in favor of House Resolution 11.
EVANSTON, Illinois — Twelve days after Donald J. Trump stunned the world with a decisive victory to win election as the 45th President of the United States, over 400 Chicago Democrats gathered Sunday in a collective “shiva” — a Jewish term for mourning — as Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) began her “Post Election Community Meeting” with “a kind of opening prayer of sorts.”
Republican Congressional candidate Joan McCarthy Lasonde, 50, is demanding that nine-term incumbent Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), 72, resign over videos released by James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas revealing that her husband, Robert Creamer, was at the center of a plot to incite violence at Donald Trump rallies, in a tactic known as “bird-dogging.”
Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), an early Chicago supporter of President Barack Obama, has written a letter asking a federal judge to release disgraced Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich early rather than making him serve his full 14-year sentence.
Critics of Obamacare warned in 2009 and 2010 that the so-called “Affordable Care Act” was merely a “Trojan Horse” that would eventually to a complete government takeover of health care. For that, conservatives were mocked and demonized.
Sunday on MSNBC’s “Politics Nation with Al Sharpton,” Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) said Republicans “words are terrorizing” Muslim-Americans. Schakowsky said, “You know, they want to define terrorism right now, frankly, Reverend Al, as Muslims, and I’m not even talking about
This week on Sirius XM’s POTUS Radio’s “The Midday Briefing with Tim Farley,” Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) said the Paris terror attack should be a “chilling reminder” we need “sensible gun safety laws” in the United States. Schakowsky said, “Obviously
Convicted fraudster Robert Creamer played a key role in selling the Iran deal to Democrats, according to a report by the Wall Street Journal. Creamer, a political consultant who is intimately connected with Obama’s inner political circle, pleaded guilty in 2005 to tax violations and bank fraud.
A convicted felon who went to federal prison in 2006-7 is leading a White-House backed effort to lobby Congress to pass whatever nuclear deal emerges from ongoing talks with Iran in Vienna. Robert Creamer, who served time for fraud and tax charges, and who is married to Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), is coordinating pro-Iran efforts through the liberal Ploughshares group, which held a conference call with President Barack Obama’s aides earlier this week, as reported by Adam Kredo of the Washington Free Beacon.
A war of words–and fundraising emails–has erupted between Sen. Mark Kirk (R-IL) and Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) over the Iran deal. The fight began when Schakowsky objected to Kirk’s remark to Politico that “Neville Chamberlain got a lot of more out of Hitler than [U.S. negotiator] Wendy Sherman got out of Iran.” Schakowsky said it was “appalling” for Kirk to “equate the Obama administration’s diplomacy with Nazi appeasement.” Kirk then used her attack in a fundraising email.
Representative Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) has apologized for stating in a disparaging manner that Joel Pollak—her former opponent in a 2010 Congressional race, who now serves as Breitbart News’s Senior Editor-At-Large and Breitbart California Editor—is an “Orthodox” Jew.
The New Yorker‘s Connie Bruck tackles the question of whether the powerful pro-Israel lobby group AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) is losing influence among American Jews. She frames the issue as if AIPAC is siding “with Netanyahu against Obama,”