On Thursday’s broadcast of Newsmax TV’s “Greg Kelly Reports,” Harvard Law Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz stated that you can’t trust The New York Times or CNN and “Today, objectivity is so hard to come by. And I’m hoping, perhaps, maybe we, in my lifetime, or yours, at least, will get to a return of the day where we can have trust in these important institutions.”

While discussing NewsGuard co-founder Steven Brill, Dershowitz stated, “Oh, for the days of Walter Cronkite, when you [could] turn on the television and say, now there’s a man we trust. Boy, you can’t do that with Brill. You can’t do that with The New York Times. You can’t do that with CNN. It’s become so difficult to really, objectively find the news. People now use the media, not as a way of presenting truth, but as a way of presenting their narrative, whether true or false. And the American public is sick and tired of it.”

He continued, “I think one of the reasons for the election of Donald Trump was, it’s the fact that Middle America said, we don’t trust the media, we don’t trust universities, we don’t trust so many parts of what we thought might have been trustworthy. Today, objectivity is so hard to come by. And I’m hoping, perhaps, maybe we, in my lifetime, or yours, at least, will get to a return of the day where we can have trust in these important institutions. Right now, the best thing we have is a system of checks and balances. So, we have everybody checking each other, and that prevents tyranny. That was one of the most brilliant innovations of our Constitution back 250 years ago.”

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