Kathy Griffin: Not ‘Prudent’ for Anyone to ‘Have Babies at All on This Planet’
Comedienne Kathy Griffin took her leftist extremism to a whole new level when she declared it “not prudent” for anyone on planet Earth to have babies for the time being.

Comedienne Kathy Griffin took her leftist extremism to a whole new level when she declared it “not prudent” for anyone on planet Earth to have babies for the time being.
“Controligarchs” reveals the secret attempts by billionaires like George Soros and Warren Buffett to make money off a controversial abortion drug via a shell corporation in the Cayman Islands, as well as the way this pill was brought to market thanks to shadowy deals between the Rockefeller Foundation and President Bill Clinton’s Food and Drug Administration.
“We just don’t need the vast majority of the population,” Yuval Noah Harari said of the 21st century and future economies.
In a new book, AI expert Catriona Campbell suggests that it won’t be long before people begin to raise virtual children in the Metaverse as the cost of child-rearing rises. What seems like a nightmare scenario to some is a positive to the author, who says that virtual children “could help us solve some of today’s most pressing issues, including overpopulation.”
Pope Francis has named liberal economist Jeffrey D. Sachs, among the world’s foremost proponents of population control and abortion, to the Pontifical Council of Social Sciences.
In a bizarre exchange with children, Boris Johnson seemingly joked that feeding humans to animals could aid the conservation of wildlife.
Britain and other Western nations should welcome declining populations and ageing demographics as it will help them meet climate change goals, the former chairman of the Financial Services Authority (FSA) has argued.
Tracy Stone-Manning, President Joe Biden’s controversial nominee to lead the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), wrote an article while she was in graduate school advocating for population control, the second such instance of the nominee pushing for a reduction in childbearing for the sake of the environment.
Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) on Monday denounced Tracy Stone-Manning, President Joe Biden’s nominee to lead the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), over her controversial master’s thesis, which advocated for the creation of population control propaganda for environmental reasons.
The government of northern India’s Uttar Pradesh state unveiled draft legislation on Sunday proposing a “two-child” policy that would punish couples who choose to have more than two children, India’s NDTV news site reported on Monday.
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have been presented with a “special award” from a pro-population control charity for only having two children.
Tracy Stone-Manning, President Joe Biden’s nominee to be director of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), described American children as an “environmental hazard” while advocating for slowing U.S. population growth in her 1992 graduate thesis.
The Chinese Communist Party’s decision to allow citizens to have up to three children is a desperate attempt to fix the damage done by population control programs that killed hundreds of millions of children, experts told Breitbart News this week.
The head of the West African Bishops’ Conference has denounced President Biden’s decision “to promote the destruction of human lives domestically and in developing nations” through taxpayer-funded abortion.
Leaked documents reveal that the federal government gave nearly 80 million dollars of taxpayer money to overseas abortion provider EngenderHealth over six years ending in 2019.
An Indian lawmaker recently proposed implementing population control methods throughout India, notably a two-child policy “based on the model of China,” the South China Morning Post (SCMP) reported on Tuesday.
Pope Francis denounced the nations and international groups that promote abortion, telling the U.N. General Assembly Friday that the “unborn child” must be protected.
The Associated Press (AP) on Monday reported that China has forced “hundreds of thousands” of Uyghur women, and women from other minorities in Xinjiang province, to use abortion and birth control over the past four years in a program of deliberate “demographic genocide.”
Presumptive Democrat 2020 presidential nominee Joe Biden wants to include transgender women in a plan to stop violence aimed at women.
Giving birth to a child is “the worst thing you can do” to the climate, says philosophy professor Patricia MacCormack of Anglia Ruskin University.
A scientist studying population development in China revealed on Tuesday that the Communist Party “seriously overestimated” how many babies were born in 2019, a year whose official birthrate was the lowest in the history of the People’s Republic.
The Vatican published the list of participants in its upcoming pan-Amazon Synod Saturday, which includes as “special invitee” Jeffrey D. Sachs, who is among the world’s foremost proponents of population control.
Democrat 2020 candidate Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH) suggested that the government needs to play a role in orchestrating population control in the form of “family planning” during MSNBC’s climate change forum at Georgetown University on Thursday.
One would think that China’s brutal one-child policy would have discredited population control programs for all time, but socialist Bernie Sanders is still pushing them.
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is driven by a “strong spiritual feeling” which influences his “approach to public policy,” according to an Interfaith Alliance of Iowa Action Fund questionnaire filled out by the presidential candidate’s campaign.
A “population control” proposal pushed by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) will target “black and brown” people, unborn children, the sick, and elderly people, said Dr. Alveda King, director of Priests for Life’s Civil Rights for the Unborn project and the niece of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., in a Friday interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with hosts Rebecca Mansour and special guest host Rick Manning.
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) addressed critics who say he only got involved in politics in hopes of one day becoming president, writing on Twitter Thursday, “I got into politics because I give a damn.”
“Killing 40 percent of the black population in America in the womb isn’t enough for Bernie Sanders,” said Sebastian Gorka.
Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) is “right” about the fossil fuel industry wanting the climate change debate to focus on distracting talking points like plastic straws and cheeseburgers.
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) told CNN’s climate change town hall attendees Wednesday night that he is willing to talk about population control, suggesting that abortion is key to addressing the climate crisis.
A group of UK women worried about “ecological Armageddon” are urging others to sign up to a pact pledging not to have children.
China’s authoritarian government has been sending mixed signals about population control to the populace. On one hand, the government admits it faces a demographic crisis that can only be solved by increased fertility rates and large families, sending signals to the public that having two or three children is now their patriotic duty. On the other hand, a couple from the eastern province of Shandong is suffering steep fines and persecution for the crime of birthing a third child.
VICE’s French website has celebrated the young people of France who have opted to get themselves permanently sterilised to “save the world.”
The Supreme Court in the world’s fifth most populous country of Pakistan ordered the government on Tuesday to promote control measures, including a two-children-per-family norm, to wage war on the “ticking time bomb” of population growth.
A newly released video explains how outbreaks of deadly insect-borne diseases in the United States are linked more to reductions in the application of the pesticide DDT than to global warming.
A new report from the U.N. Population Fund (UNFPA) says 40 percent of all births in the United States occur outside of marriage, an increase from ten percent in 1970.
China’s shifting position on population control was signaled this week by a new postage stamp showing a happy family of pigs with three piglets – a strong signal to a populace long forced to have only one child per family and then grudgingly permitted to have two. The message was then transmitted even more clearly by a full-page article in a state-run newspaper mourning “the impact of low birth rates on the economy” and urging citizens to do something about it.
The publicly-funded Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) has published an opinion piece arguing Canadians who have big families should be shamed, and that the country should be importing migrants instead.
A new study finds that about 15.6 million abortions were performed in India in 2015, making the abortion rate in that country 47 abortions per 1,000 women between the ages of 15 and 49.
In a provocative new essay, NBC News Think claims that science has proven that having kids is bad for the environment and therefore “having many children is wrong, or at least morally suspect.”