
W.H.O. Declares Global Health Emergency for Monkeypox

The World Health Organization on Wednesday took the long-discussed step of declaring a global health emergency over the monkeypox or “mpox” outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), which has begun spreading into neighboring African nations.

A doctor shows a monkeypox sore on a patient´s lip, at the Arzobispo Loayza hospital in L

U.N. Security Council to Welcome Pakistan, Somalia

Denmark, Greece, Pakistan, Panama, and Somalia were elected by the U.N. General Assembly on Thursday to serve two-year terms on the U.N. Security Council (UNSC), taking over five rotating “non-permanent” membership slots from Ecuador, Japan, Malta, Switzerland, and Mozambique.

TOPSHOT - A Somali National Army soldier stands at attention during the morning briefing f

China Buys into Niger Junta to Secure Oil Supply

China’s state-owned oil company CNPC, the China National Petroleum Corporation, has signed a $400 million deal with the military junta that controls Niger, providing a much-needed infusion of cash after the coup damaged relations with Niger’s previous big oil customers, the United States and France.

Workers from Niger and China are seen on the construction site of an oil pipeline in the r