Thursday on MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” the host asked Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) about former first lady Jill Biden’s disappointment with her.

Partial transcript as follows:

MITCHELL: President Biden has said that he thinks he could have won if he hadn’t been pressured to step down. Do you agree?

PELOSI: Well, all I know is that we won a seat in the house. We did not lose any seats. You know, people were like, whoa, The Democrats lost. No, we did not. I think it would have been quite different with President Biden at the top of the ticket.

MITCHELL: The former first lady, Jill Biden, has spoken out saying she was disappointed in you. Is there any way to patch that up? Have you spoken to her?

PELOSI: Well, I certainly hope so. No I haven’t. But the fact is that we’re all on a mission for the American people, for the American people, for America’s working families. My whole passion about being in politics is for the children. So what is it that we’re doing for the children? I think that it would have been important for the children to not have Donald Trump be president of the United States. And that is, I would take every step necessary to make sure that didn’t happen. But it did. And now we have to deal with it. And in about 6 or 7 months, you’re going to see such a change. By the time we start our campaigns in this fall, for next fall, you’re going to see a very different picture about the Democrats vis-à-vis Donald Trump.

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