Former CNNLOL anchor Jim Acosta says he will now produce a show within the safe space of a new Substack account. (I don’t link fake news.)
His first show’s guest was fellow Donald Trump-hater Norm Eisen. I didn’t watch the full 15-minute video, but I did stop the video more than a half-dozen times to see what they were talking about and every time it was either Eisen telling Jim Acosta how brave Jim Acosta is or Jim Acosta telling Jim Acosta how brave Jim Acosta is.
The self-regard gene is strong with this one.
For those who don’t know, Eisen is not just a run-of-the-mill Trump hater. He acted as co-counsel for the House Judiciary Committee during Trump’s first sham impeachment and wrote a whole book titled “Overcoming Trumpery.”
How did that work out for ya?
Yep, he was Acosta’s first guest and that was not an accident.
Acosta (who looks like he’s been stress-eating again) knows he has to strike now. By the end of next week, everyone will forget all about him. If he’s going to pull in subscribers as an “independent journalist,” now is the time to say, This is my brand! Subscribe-subscribe-subscribe! Hostess fried pies and hair dye aren’t cheap, you know.
While there’s little doubt Acosta will make a living over at Substack, what he’s lost is what’s most precious to left-wing extremists and activists, and that’s the power and influence to shape the national debate and narrative. He’s about to disappear into the same echo chamber most loudmouth grandstanders disappear into — the one where he spews wild-eyed opinions to a couple hundred thousand people who like being told what they want to hear (i.e., Orange Man Bad, brave people subscribe to my Substack).
The best part is that, like Keith Olbermann, going forward, the only time Acosta will make news is when he makes a fool of himself.
Yes, the era of Jim Acosta is over. CNN’s ratings and reputation are so bad, he was forced out in the most humiliating way: told he could quit or take the midnight shift. That’s like your wife giving you the choice of agreeing to the divorce or allow her boyfriend to move in.
Acosta has undoubtedly convinced himself that he was forced out for being too brave, but his brand of journalism has become toxic in a country where 1) Trump beat them all last November, 2) trust in the legacy media is at record lows, 3) people are moving to alternative news outlets that don’t lie to them, and 4) Trump is more trusted than the news media.
Nevertheless, the CNN suits are also fooling themselves. CNN is a far-left lunatic outlet and Acosta is the god-king of far-left lunatics. Dumping him will only further anger CNN’s residual audience of left-wing lunatics,which might result in even lower ratings (if that’s possible). There is simply no way CNN will ever recover its ratings or reputation, especially with all the serial liars who remain on the air.
But into the Has-been Ether goes Jim Acosta, joining David Shuster, Chris Cuomo, David Gregory, Sam Seder, Dylan Ratigan, Carol Costello, Keith Olbermann, Soledad O’Brien, Ed Schultz, Melissa Harris-Perry, Ron Reagan, Peter Arnett, Willow Bay, Brooke Baldwin… Forgotten. A joke. A man remembered as, Oh, yeah, that asshole.
John Nolte’s first and last novel, Borrowed Time, is winning five-star raves from everyday readers. You can read an excerpt here and an in-depth review here. Also available in hardcover and on Kindle and Audiobook.
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