small business

All-Powerful Google to Small Businesses: Pay Up, Freeloaders

Google has reportedly begun informing some small business owners that they will soon have to pay to continue to use their email and other apps after a decade of free use. One small business owner says, “They’re basically strong-arming us to switch to something paid after they got us hooked on this free service.”

Sundar Pichai CEO of Google ( Carsten Koall /Getty)

Report: Amazon Delivery Partners Live a Nightmare of Big Tech Rules, Crushing Debt

A recent report claims that Amazon’s delivery service partners are going into debt and face seemingly instant termination of their contract if they fail to follow every guideline handed down from the Masters of the Universe. One small business owner who had his contract canceled said: “I am a pimple on the butt of an elephant when it comes to Amazon.”

An employee carries a package at the distribution center of US online retail giant Amazon