Scaramucci: Revoking Birthright Citizenship Most ‘Anti-American’ Presidential Action Post-Civil War

Friday on MSNBC’s “Deadline,” Anthony Scaramucci, who briefly served as White House communications director in President Donald Trump’s first term, said the executive order revoking birthright citizenship is the “most anti-American thing” any president has done post-Civil War.

Scaramucci said, “For me, I think it’s very simple, let’s get organized. Let’s get as many people into the boat as possible to explain how wrong this is. These missteps on the Constitution can be pressed hard. Revoking birthright citizenship, which was really part of the healing process after The Civil War, is probably the most anti-American thing that American that an American president has done post-Civil War.”

He added, “I think we just we’ve got to get more organized, and we’ve got to get more thoughtful people out there advocating about how wrong this is, because, again, these margins are very small. Nicole. It’s not like he’s got this. It’s not like Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan had a baby and made Donald Trump. That’s not what it is. It’s Roy Cohn and Charles Lindbergh had the baby and made Donald Trump. So we have to go after him in a way that they would in prior times in America, when this stuff has cropped up.”

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