‘Horrendous’: Immigration to UK Hits Record High of Nearly One Million
New stats show net arrivals hit another record high of 900,000+ in 2023, Nigel Farage warns against accepting migration is now falling.

New stats show net arrivals hit another record high of 900,000+ in 2023, Nigel Farage warns against accepting migration is now falling.
The foreign-born population of Britain has grown by an estimated 370,000 since the Census was conducted last year, the ONS revealed.
Net migration rose to its highest level in Britain to over half a million despite Conservative pledges to cut immigration following Brexit.
The population of England and Wales hit a new all-time high according to last year’s census, with the majority of growth due to immigration.
The average wage for British workers is falling at the fastest rate on record, as inflation has wiped out gains in salary and bonuses.
Britain’s economy grew at the slowest pace in a year during the first quarter, raising concerns the country may be headed for a recession.
Nearly nine in ten Britons have reported an increase to their cost of living, with about a quarter of adults struggling to make ends meet.
Inflation in the UK has resulted in basic wages “falling noticeably” in real terms, the Office for National Statistics reported on Tuesday.
British wages have seen the sharpest decline in real terms since 2014 as the impact of inflation grips the nation, the ONS said on Tuesday.
The price of whole gas jumped to four times the cost in January in Britain compared to last year, contributing to the cost of living crisis.
A majority of women have remained childless in Britain past their thirtieth birthday for the first time in recorded history.
ONS: 5.6 million migrants in ten years will boost Britain’s population despite more people dying than being born.
A British health chief has come under heavy fire over her ‘dodgy’ analysis of COVID hospitalisation data used to justify lockdown measures.
The UK government has continued its spending and borrowing spree, with the state borrowing £136 billion over the fiscal year to November.
British fertility rates have fallen to the lowest level in recorded history, while the number of foreign-born mothers hit a record high.
The proportion of people over the age of 16 who have experienced some form of depression has more than doubled since before the Chinese coronavirus pandemic.
A report from the Migration Observatory at the University of Oxford has found that the Office for National Statistics (ONS) undercounted net EU migration to the United Kingdom by an average of 93,000 per year between 2012 and 2020.
The Chinese coronavirus pandemic and the ensuing national lockdown measures have cost the British economy some £251 billion over the past year, a report has found.
Knife crime in Britain has doubled in the previous six years, rising above 50,000 incidents for the first time in the recorded history.
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has been accused of folding in the face of pressure from transgender lobbyists to allow people to ‘self identify’ their sex on the upcoming census, but the government body has denied the charge. A
Amid record-high deaths from alcohol, an increase in reports of children committing self-harm, and more people experiencing suicidal thoughts during the lockdown, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has appointed an ‘Ambassador for Mental Health’. The Prime Minister has tapped TV personality
British businesses are facing a “hammer blow” from the government’s decision to extend lockdown restrictions, warned the former leader of the Conservative Party, Iain Duncan Smith.
So-called “ethnic pay gap” data has shown that young people from ethnic minorities are actually earning more than young white Britons.
The British government may need to increase taxes by over £40 billion per year in order to prevent the debt accrued during the China virus lockdowns from “spiralling upwards”, the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) warned in a report.
Britain risks “sleepwalking into a crisis” as the number of elderly women who are childless is set to triple in the coming years, official data has revealed.
Knife crime in England and Wales reached a historic high in the year leading up to the end of March, as murders climb again in Sadiq Khan’s London.
The economic fallout from the Chinese coronavirus was put in stark reality, as the British government revealed that the number of people claiming unemployment benefits in the United Kingdom rose by 856,500 during the first month of the national lockdown.
The first quarter of the year saw a 2 per cent fall in GDP in the UK, the worst fall since the final quarter of 2008.
Defying naysaying anti-Brexiteers, the United Kingdom marked it departure from the European Union by recording the highest employment rate in history, with nearly 33 million people employed.
The economy of the United Kingdom has once again refused to conform to the doom and gloom prophecies of anti-Brexit economists, posting record job numbers ahead of Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union.
The Muslim population of England is now estimated at over three million, according to official estimates — exceeding the total populations recorded for Wales or Northern Ireland in the 2011 census.
The United Kingdom has yet again defied prognostications and expectations from anti-Brexit economists, posting record job numbers under the leadership of Prime Minister Boris Johnson.
Non-EU immigration — the only type of immigration the Government can control — has risen to near-record levels.
The era of the single breadwinner able to support his household on a family wage appears to be truly finished in Britain, with Office for National Statistics (ONS) figures indicating that over 75 per cent of mothers now have to work.
By mid-2028, the population of the UK is set to increase by three million to 69.4 million, primarily driven by immigration.
Britain’s Office for National Statistics (ONS) has admitted its figures underestimate long-term migration between 2009 and 2016 by almost a quarter of a million.
The British government is significantly underestimating the likely impact of mass immigration on future population growth, according to an expert think tank.
The UK has seen wage growth hit a ten-year high while there has been a record fall of migrant workers from the European Union, signalling employers are adjusting salaries in preparation for an end to cheap, unlimited labour when Britain leaves the bloc.
The UK’s population has hit its highest ever level on record and is projected to grow to 73 million by 2041, mainly thanks to immigration, new data has revealed.
One in five adults in England and Wales experienced crime last year whilst London has hit its highest ever level of knife crime, according to statistics.