Flemish Nationalist De Wever Sworn in as Belgian Prime Minister
Belgium has a new prime minister whose political purpose was long to break up the nation and gut the state structures.

Belgium has a new prime minister whose political purpose was long to break up the nation and gut the state structures.
Europe is experiencing a crisis evidenced by a “wave of populism” that threatens European universality, Pope Francis warned Saturday.
China’s state-run Global Times worries that “the influence of the far-right has not diminished” after France’s surprising snap election.
ROME — Pope Francis warned Sunday democracy is in “crisis” around the world, likely with an eye to a rise in right-wing parties across Italy, Austria, Argentina, Netherlands, and Germany.
Russia observed “Victory Day” on Thursday, a holiday commemorating victory over Nazi Germany in World War II. The day has become an increasingly strident nationalist spectacle under Vladimir Putin, who has all but erased the U.S. and its allies from memories of the war.
“The Economist” magazine warns this week of the “growing peril” of a national conservatism that is spreading like wildfire around the planet.
The Democrats should focus on their own country instead of trying to impose their ideology on the rest of the world, Viktor Orbán said.
Hu Xijin, a top Chinese propagandist and former editor of the state-run Global Times, triggered a torrent of ridicule Monday for crediting the “Chinese cultural genes” of actress Michelle Yeoh for her Best Actress Academy Award.
The DUP has said that it will not be “pushed” into making a decision on whether to accept the new EU-UK Brexit agreement on Northern Ireland.
Six people are reported as being injured after a large number of “anti-fascists” allegedly attacked an annual conference of a political party in Ireland.
Mike Pence spoke about the future of the conservative movement Wednesday morning, warning that it cannot be “led astray by the siren song of unprincipled populism.”
Darya Dugina, daughter of the Russian nationalist philospher Alexander Dugin, sometimes described as “Putin’s brain”, has died after a car her father was due to travel in exploded.
A statue of an African revolutionary is to go on display in London, and followed up by a “trans” monument styled after Aztec skull rack.
The Vatican’s foreign minister said that Pope Francis is “very committed to multilateralism” and “believes in the multilateral system,” in an interview published Monday.
Temporary use during the lockdown of Croke Park, a sporting venue with extreme symbolic significance for the Irish nation, for Islamic prayer is continuing in the post-pandemic era.
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen is facing the prospect of a no-confidence vote over providing aid to conservative Poland.
Moaning progressives have a “patriotic duty” to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee this weekend, the head of Britain’s leading leftist party has said.
A top MP has told leftists in Britain that they should stop complaining and just enjoy the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.
Pope Francis warned of dangers to world peace Monday, highlighting poverty, nationalism, and “unbridled greed.”
An Irish nationalist electoral victory in Northern Ireland now looks certain to cause Brexit chaos in the United Kingdom thanks to an extremely contentious protocol agreement with the European Union.
The European Union and wider international establishment have rushed to congratulate Emmanuel Macron on his victory over populist challenger Marine Le Pen.
A senior Irish politician has decried nationalism on the anniversary of his own country taking up arms against Britain in the hopes of becoming independent.
PARIS (AP) – President Emmanuel Macron said Friday he has no fear of losing France’s presidential election despite far-right rival Marie Le Pen narrowing the gap in opinion polls ahead of Sunday’s first-round vote.
French President Macron has called for calm after the death of Corsican nationalist Yvan Colonna, who was attacked by a Jihadi terrorist.
Bastia erupted into riots at the weekend, with 44 police injured by protestors over an attack on a Corsican nationalist by a jihadist.
European populist parties joined forces in Madrid on Saturday, vowing to protect the national sovereignty from the long arm of Brussels.
Lawmakers from Russia’s nationalist Liberal Democratic Party (LDPR) on Monday submitted a bill that would declare the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 to be “the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th Century.”
Anti-Brexit activists gathered in Manchester ahead of the Conservative Party Conference, to denounce “zombie” nationalism in Brexit Britain.
Former Vice President Mike Pence has praised the efforts of national conservative governments in Central Europe to reverse demographic decline through pro-family policies over mass migration in Budapest.
China’s state-run Global Times on Tuesday fumed over CNN supposedly mocking Chinese nationalism and insulting its efforts against the coronavirus during Tokyo Olympic coverage.
Ahead of July 4, Democrats and leftists “are trying to make us hate our history,” J.D. Vance, author of Hillbillly Elegy, told Breitbart News.
Pope Francis has advanced the cause for canonization of European statesman Robert Schuman, bringing him one step closer to sainthood.
Keir Starmer has said that Labour must be “patriotic and proud about it”, months after leftists in the party disavowed a similar proposal as “Fatherland-ism”.
President Emmanuel Macron turned to rhetoric fit for the Napoleonic era in his latest attempt to deflect blame for French and EU inoculation programme failures, accusing “the Anglo-Saxons” of hoarding vaccines and vaccine ingredients.
Pope Francis said Thursday that the Church of today is called to “widen her tent to embrace everyone,” especially migrants and foreigners.
ROME — Pope Francis criticized populism as “political paternalism” Thursday, asserting it deprives the people of self-rule.
The shared goal of leftist groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter is to abolish nation states, noted Andy Ngo, journalist and author of Unmasked: Inside Antifa’s Radical Plan to Destroy Democracy, on Thursday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow.
Pope Francis took advantage of his yearly Christmas message Friday to reiterate his message of inclusiveness, multilateralism, and openness to immigration.
The year 2020 was marked by the global coronavirus pandemic, Pope Francis said Thursday, but also saw a worrisome a surge in “nationalism, racism, and xenophobia.”
ROME — Pope Francis suggested Saturday that Europe is repeating the errors of pre-Nazi Germany by allowing new anti-immigration nationalisms to take hold.