Tim Scott

Congress Demands Answers from Treasury Department After Chinese Hacker Attack

Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC), ranking member of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, and Rep. French Hill (R-AR), vice chair of the House Financial Services Committee, on Thursday wrote to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen demanding more details of a cyberattack on Treasury’s computer systems allegedly perpetrated by hackers linked to the Chinese government.

U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen testifies about the Biden Administration's FY2024 fed

GOP Blasts Biden’s ‘Unconscionable’ U.N. Vote Abstention on Gaza

Democrat President Joe Biden is “destroying US credibility with our allies” and “turning our back on Israel,” according to Republican officials, who are blasting the “anti-Israel” president’s “unconscionable” decision to have the United States abstain from a vote on the U.N. Security Council’s first ceasefire demand in Gaza, in a move that further increased tensions between the Biden administration and Israel.

US President Joe Biden holds a press conference following a solidarity visit to Israel, on

Trump Brings in Big Guns for New Hampshire Rally Finale

Republicans made a tremendous show of unity behind former President Donald Trump on the eve of the New Hampshire primary as some of his former 2024 campaign rivals and leaders in the Republican Party joined him on stage and urged Granite Staters to vote for him.

Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., speaks as Republican presidential candidate former President Donal