VIDEO: Utah Community Does ‘God’s Work’ by Donating Cars Filled with Christmas Gifts to People in Need

Santa in car
Getty Images/Jose Luis Pelaez

Big-hearted locals in Cache Valley, Utah, are making spirits bright for the ninth year during their big car giveaway.

Several businesses have joined the effort to help those with the Cache County Christmas Car Project donate vehicles stuffed with gifts to neighbors in need, HJ News reported Thursday.

Jason Hansen is the original organizer whose project began by repairing cars and giving them away. This Christmas, the group has seven vehicles designated as gifts.

Hansen’s wife, Kristie, told the outlet, “This is 100% God. The only way that Jason and I can continue to do this is because we are blessed by people in the community who help us out and support us. … We are just trying to share God’s love through the community.”

Community members nominate people to receive the vehicles. After it is decided who will receive a vehicle, the helpers work to identify the families’ needs and interests to make sure their gifts are special.

Photos show the project’s helpers gathering those gifts to place in the cars.

Neighbor Ty Mortensen dresses as Santa to surprise the families with the exciting gifts. He said those moments are sometimes filled with emotion.

Video footage posted on Wednesday shows the group arrive at a recipient’s home to give her a car.

“Thank you. I appreciate it so much,” she said, adding, “I wouldn’t have been able to do this without my community”:

According to the project’s website, it is “dedicated to making a difference in the lives of families in need by providing them with repaired cars, completely free of charge.”

“Our mission is driven by the generous donations from individuals and businesses who believe in the power of giving. Every car we repair and gift represents not just a vehicle, but a new opportunity for families to access jobs, education, and essential services,” the site read.

In his comments to HJ News, Hansen said he wants people to see God through their efforts, adding, “I’m trying to do God’s work.”


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