WATCH: WWII Veteran Enjoys Singing, Cupcakes, Jokes on His 104th Birthday
A World War II veteran in Bradenton, Florida, enjoyed reaching a big milestone on Thursday surrounded by those who love him.

A World War II veteran in Bradenton, Florida, enjoyed reaching a big milestone on Thursday surrounded by those who love him.
Police officers in Wichita, Kansas, said an April Fools joke on Thursday could have ended up with someone being hurt.
Serial loser Hillary Clinton is accused of plagiarizing an anti-Trump joke from HBO’s Bill Maher.
Police Scotland has logged more than 3,300 “hate incidents” in the past five years which were “non-crimes” including telling jokes that some people may have found offensive.
Rep. Norma Torres (D-CA) argued at the House Rules Committee on Tuesday afternoon that President Donald Trump should be impeached, among other reasons, for his famous joke about shooting someone on 5th Avenue.
The Metropolitan Police Service has confirmed that it will not be taking any further action over comments made by comedian Jo Brand when she joked about throwing battery acid at politicians.
Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-FL) told a death joke about President Trump this week. The left-wing crowd howled with laughter, and the establishment media have only shrugged.
One of the UK’s most famous comedians has defended Boris Johnson’s “joke” about the Islamic burqa face veil, calling it “funny” and “an almost perfect simile”.
On Sunday, The Simpsons addressed the Apu non-troversy and pretty much told the humor police to drop dead, and now the Social Justice Warrior snowflakes are melting down all over social media.
A high school senior class president in Florida lost his position after he made a joke about his opponent putting in place policies that President Trump would enact.
TEL AVIV – Israel’s leftwing daily Haaretz published a column this week claiming that President Donald Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, boasted that his Middle East knowledge was picked up while waiting for the ski lifts. And the source for this gem of information? A satire column written for The New Yorker.
Chelsea Clinton defended White House adviser Kellyanne Conway after a Democratic congressman, Rep. Cedric Richmond, made a distasteful joke about Conway being on her knees in the Oval Office.
Speaking to the nation’s governors at the National Governors Association meeting at the White House on Tuesday, Barack Obama cracked a joke that implicitly referred to the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s death only days after Obama refused to attend the justice’s funeral.
Sen. Marco Rubio couldn’t resist making a Donald Trump-themed Red Bull joke during a campaign rally in South Carolina’s Myrtle Beach this evening.
Years after defeating Mitt Romney in the presidential election, President Obama took time to pick a fight with his former opponent during a speech to Congressional Democrats in Philadelphia.