WATCH — ‘A Great Start to 2025!’: Oregon Pastor Baptizes Smiling Church Member in 42-Degree Water
A church member braved icy waters at Oregon’s Lake Billy Chinook on Wednesday so people could witness his spiritual renewal.

A church member braved icy waters at Oregon’s Lake Billy Chinook on Wednesday so people could witness his spiritual renewal.
A Secret Santa knew just what to give a pastor in Island Park, Idaho, after he lost pretty much everything he had in a fire.
An Antioch, California, pastor fought off an allegedly axe-wielding burglar at First Family Church just after midnight Thanksgiving morning.
A Michigan pastor has been fired and charged after he allegedly admitted to planting a hidden camera in a church bathroom.
A Maryland pastor was recently slapped with an 18-month prison sentence for fraudulently obtaining more than $3.5 million in COVID-19 relief funds.
Vice President Kamala Harris, who Democrat leaders are backing to replace President Joe Biden in the 2024 presidential race, is reportedly a “dues-paying member” to a church where the pastor has called for reparations, even serving as a the vice chair of California’s reparations task force.
There is an “insanity loose in our culture,” as the radical left is targeting children, John MacArthur, pastor of Grace Community Church in Los Angeles, said Tuesday.
A baptist pastor in Florida has been arrested on child pornography charges after he allegedly used cryptocurrency to purchase online child sexual abuse material.
Christians participated in what is being called the nation’s largest-ever baptism that occurred in California over the weekend with approximately 12,000 people being immersed.
Clarence McCallister, the deacon who tackled an armed man in a North Braddock, Pennsylvania, church Sunday, explained his actions by saying, “My Pastor’s life was in danger.”
In newly-released audio from a 911 call, Mica Miller, the wife of pastor John-Paul Miller, tells a dispatcher “I’m about to kill myself.”
A church in West Columbia was vandalized with red spray-paint on Thursday, with messages such as “Save Gaza” and “Free Palestine.”
Hundreds of Bibles were found burned on Easter Sunday outside Global Vision Bible Church in Wilson County, Tennessee.
The school began investigating the baptism service after it received a letter from the nonprofit Freedom from Religion Foundation (FFRF).
There is “so much more to the story” of the small-town Alabama mayor and Southern Baptist pastor who lived a secret life as a “transgender curvy woman” and author of “erotic slasher fiction,” according to the editor-in-chief of the publication that broke the story.
A small-town Alabama mayor who pastored a Southern Baptist church committed suicide after his secret life as a “transgender curvy woman” was revealed by a conservative Alabama news organization.
More than 170 clergymen who lead congregations in 23 counties across Ohio issued a joint statement on Thursday condemning a radical ballot measure that could codify a supposed “right” to abortion in the state constitution.
A former pastor has been arrested in connection to the 1975 murder of an eight-year-old girl named Gretchen Harrington in Marple Township, Pennsylvania.
United Airlines demands employees who are suing the company over its coronavirus vaccine mandate turn over their private communications with pastors or religious advisors related to the vaccine, court filings show.
Christian author and pastor Tim Keller died Friday at the age of 72 following a long struggle with pancreatic cancer.
More than 500 pastors and faith leaders quietly gathered in San Diego, California, last weekend at the first annual Pastors Summit, hosted by Charlie Kirk’s Turning Point USA Faith.
A man and his wife from Schenectady County, New York, were enjoying time with family on July 22 at a Lake Ontario bay when the unthinkable happened.
A pastor revealed to congregants in Indiana on Sunday he committed “adultery” 20 years prior, but then a woman claimed she became his victim at 16-years-old.
A Texas woman allegedly killed her roommate, who is reportedly her mother, by sitting on her in what she allegedly called “prayer position.”
Tim Stephens, a Canadian pastor arrested in Calgary, Alberta, was released from jail on Thursday following his arrest for holding outdoor church services.
The Canadian Gestapo were smart this time. Instead of breaking into and swarming Canadian Pastor Artur Pawlowski’s church — as they previously did during an Easter weekend service, only to be appropriately shamed and heckled out of the place — this time the Canadian Gestapo waited until after Saturday services to arrest Pawlowski, and did so on a public highway.
Police in London arrested a Christian street preacher for allegedly causing “alarm and distress” to pedestrians for citing allegedly “homophobic” verses from Genesis. On Friday, Pastor John Sherwood was preaching alongside Pastor Peter Simpson of the Penn Free Methodist Church outside the Uxbridge
A church community in Georgia helped its pastor raise more than $10,000 for a heart transplant in a now-viral giving campaign.
“My biggest disappointment is that churches can’t meet in this time of need,” Trump said. “This is really a great time for churches to be together, for people to be together, on a Sunday or any day that they meet.”
A judge sentenced a former Westlake, Louisiana, pastor to 60 years in federal prison on child pornography charges.
A pastor in Orangeburg, South Carolina, has announced big plans for veterans who need homes in his community.
Two professionals in very different fields have teamed up to raise money for families affected by the recent ICE raids in Mississippi.
An armed pastor in Tampa, Florida, foiled an alleged church robbery and held the suspect at gunpoint until police arrived.
An Illinois kindergarten teacher was arrested Monday and is now facing charges of sexual assault and solicitation of child pornography.
A pastor and his wife opened fire and killed an alleged home intruder while he was breaking into their house in Houston, Texas.
Two Texas state senators have pre-filed a bill which is intended to protect the religious liberty and First Amendment freedoms of clergy in the Lone Star State. Pastors have been under attack in Texas and their sermons sought to be compelled during litigation by a government unit. The pastors were in a fight over a transgender bathroom ordinance at the time they were subpoened.
Isla Vista pastor Father Jon-Stephen Hedges took an alleged 30 punches from a University of California Santa Barbara student who was half-naked, i.e. from the waist down.
Pastor Hyeon Soo Lim, a Canadian citizen with a church in Toronto who was born in South Korea, has been sentenced to life in prison with hard labor by the North Korean regime.
The president has responded personally to the shooting, saying both he and Michelle Obama knew Pinckney as well as other members of the church.