New York

Military Expert: Mystery Drones Are ‘Telegraphing’ America’s Weak Defenses

As reports of mysterious drone sightings continue to pour in from across the Northeast, a military expert has shared the reasons that he believes these drones are originating from within the United States. He added, “We are telegraphing right now that we do not know where these drones are. We’re telegraphing that we can fly these drones over U.S. bases and we can’t do anything about it.”

LGBT army at pride parade

Pentagon Says Mystery Drones Flying over East Coast Are Not U.S. Military – but also not Foreign Controlled

The Pentagon has stated that the mystery drones flying over parts of New Jersey and the northeast U.S. in recent weeks are not controlled by the U.S. military but also not believed to be controlled by foreign entities. Despite these claims, the Pentagon can’t say just who actually is in control of the drones causing havoc and concern along the Atlantic coast.

Pentagon Spokesperson Sabrina Singh