Jack Lew

Obama May Allow Foreign Governments to Use Dollars for Business with Iran

The Obama administration is reportedly considering more concessions to Iran, possibly including the Treasury Department issuing a license that would “permit offshore financial institutions to access dollars for foreign currency trades in support of legitimate business with Iran, a practice that is currently illegal,” as the Associated Press describes it.

Iran flag

Royce, Sherman Hit Kerry over Iran Deal at Hearing

On Tuesday, Secretary of State John Kerry, Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz, and Treasury Secretary Jack Lew testified on the Iran nuclear accords before the House Foreign Affairs Committee as Congress deliberates whether they will vote to overturn what is largely seen as a “bad deal.”

Ed Royce (Chip Somodevilla / Getty)

Kerry Lies to Congress About Iran Deal & ‘Additional Protocol’

Secretary of State John Kerry misled the House Foreign Affairs Committee in his attempt to defend the Iran nuclear deal on Tuesday, claiming in his opening statement that Iran had complied with the interim agreement “completely and totally,” and that Iran was “required” by the deal to ratify a key agreement that would prevent it from developing dangerous nuclear technologies in the future. In fact, Iran violated parts of the interim agreement, and there is no guarantee that it will ratify the Additional Protocol to the Non-Proliferation Treaty.

John Kerry at House (Olivier Douliery / Getty)

5 Crazy Facts from Senate Hearing on Iran Deal

Secretary of State John Kerry, Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz, and Secretary of the Treasury Jack Lew are making the rounds on Capitol Hill in an effort to sell the Iran deal. Their appearance at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Thursday did not go well, as the three men struggled to answer basic questions and objections to the substance of the deal, as well as the process through which it had been rushed to the UN Security Council before coming to Congress. There were several new revelations at the hearing. Here are the 5 most important.

Lew Moniz Kerry (Alex Wong / Getty)

Obama’s Iran Deal Lie Collapses: Russia Says No ‘Snap-Back’ Sanctions

President Barack Obama has defended the impending nuclear deal with Iran by promising Americans that there will be automatic “snap-back” provisions to restore sanctions automatically if Iran cheats on its obligations: “If Iran violates the deal, sanctions can be snapped back into place,” he said in April. On Wednesday, Russian UN Ambassador Vitaly Churkin told Bloomberg News that there would be no such provisions: “There can be no automaticity, none whatsoever,” he said.

Obama at Press Dinner - NPR Photo

Democrats Upset with Obama over Wall Street Ties

For all its demagoguery about Wall Street, the Obama administration hasn’t been shy about tapping Wall Street talent to fill the ranks of his administration. Now, some Democrats are claiming to have had enough over “Obama’s nomination of Antonio Weiss to

Pro-Israel SEIU Leader Addresses AIPAC

During Friday’s final plenary session at the Policy Conference of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), thousands of pro-Israel activists were addressed by Olga Miranda, president of Local 87 of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). In the course

Pro-Israel SEIU Leader Addresses AIPAC

Obama Sends Lew to AIPAC to Deliver the Bad News

Secretary of the Treasury Jack Lew did his best to spin the Obama administration’s stance on Israel at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Policy Conference on Sunday night. The audience knew they were being treated like mushrooms: kept

U.S. Treasury's Lew Urges Ukraine to Turn to IMF

SAN FRANCISCO, Feb 19 (Reuters) – The Ukraine’s fundamentalproblem is that it suffers from an economic crisis and thecountry should ask the International Monetary Fund for help,U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said on Wednesday.

U.S. Treasury's Lew Urges Ukraine to Turn to IMF

John Boehner: 'Increase the Debt Ceiling'

With just two days before America hits the debt ceiling deadline, Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) announced on Tuesday his desire to raise it.  “The goal here is to increase the debt ceiling,” said Boehner. “Nobody wants to default on our

John Boehner: 'Increase the Debt Ceiling'

Judicial Watch Continues Lawsuit Against Obamacare Lawlessness

A federal court recently scuttled Judicial Watch’s lawsuit on behalf of Kawa Orthodontics’ challenge of the Obama administration’s delay of the so-called “employer mandate” provision of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare, but we’re not going away

Lew: US Will Hit Debt Ceiling Late February

On Wednesday, Secretary of the Treasury Jack Lew said that America would once again hit the debt ceiling by late February, despite Congress’ temporary debt limit increase back in October 2013. That agreement suspended the debt ceiling and funded the

Lew: US Will Hit Debt Ceiling Late February

Debt Deal May Clear Keystone Pipeline

On Thursday, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said the US would exhaust its borrowing authority in late February, rather than early March as originally estimated. If Congress doesn’t lift the debt ceiling by then, the government would have to prioritize its

Debt Deal May Clear Keystone Pipeline

Obama: 'We're Not Going to Negotiate' Over Debt Ceiling

At his last press conference on the year on Friday, President Obama reiterated that he won’t negotiate with Congressional Republicans on lifting the nation’s debt ceiling. “It is not something that is a negotiating tool,” Obama said. “It’s not leverage. It’s

Obama: 'We're Not Going to Negotiate' Over Debt Ceiling

Treasury, IRS Sued to Overturn Delay of Obamacare Employer Mandate

Just days into the Obamacare occupation and our government-run health insurance “market” is in complete chaos. A massive system breakdown–or a “glitch” if you believe Obama–has caused mass frustration for consumers trying to wrap their heads around the behemoth healthcare

Treasury, IRS Sued to Overturn Delay of Obamacare Employer Mandate

Florida Employer Sues Federal Government over Obamacare

On October 1, in the wake of the federal government shutdown, a Florida business owner has announced the filing of a federal lawsuit challenging the Obama administration’s authority to delay the enactment of the so-called employer mandate provision of the

Florida Employer Sues Federal Government over Obamacare