Leftist UK Gov’t to Repeal Ban on Illegal Boat Migrants from Becoming Citizens
The Labour Party government is reportedly preparing to revoke the ban on illegal boat migrants from obtaining citizenship in Britain.

The Labour Party government is reportedly preparing to revoke the ban on illegal boat migrants from obtaining citizenship in Britain.
Over 150,000 illegal boat migrants have landed on British shores since the crisis began in earnest in 2018 as hundreds more crossed the English Channel on Christmas and Boxing Day.
People smuggling operations continued in the English Channel on Christmas as hundreds of illegals reached British shores after setting sail from the beaches of France.
The British government has allowed in more illegal migrants than any other country in Europe, an international study has found.
The people smuggler-facilitated migrant crisis in the English Channel claimed the lives of another four people Saturday, including a small child who is said to have been “trampled” to death.
Since the left-wing Labour Party government of Sir Kier Starmer came into power in July, more than 10,000 illegal migrants have reached British shores after crossing the English Channel from France.
An illegal migrant died in the English Channel as the crisis continues unabated under the new left-wing Labour Party government in Britain.
Nigel Farage called for the Royal Navy to intervene in the boat migrant crisis as 50,000 reached Britain since Rishi Sunak came into power.
A new record high of illegal migrants crossing the English Channel this year from the beaches of France was set on Monday.
Violence from people-smuggling gangs and illegal migrants along the French coastline is escalating, a British Border Force official warned.
The French Navy is facing critism for escorting a small boat to UK waters even after five migrants fell off the vessel and drowned.
Illegal migration in the English Channel has surged by 43 per cent over last year as nearly 800 boat migrants were ferried ashore at Dover over the Easter holiday weekend.
Over 400 illegal boat migrants were brought ashore on Monday, marking the highest number of daily crossings of the English Channel this year.
“David Neal told the truth and has been fired”, said Nigel Farage of the sacking of the watchdog turned whistleblower.
Nigel Farage said the public should no longer expext to believe anything said by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s government on migration.
The UK has hired a fleet of private boats to help the Border Force bring illegal Channel migrants ashore at a cost of at least £36 million.
Half of all UK asylum seekers who claimed to be children since 2020 have turned out to be adults, with dozens being over thirty years old.
An urgent manhunt is reportedly underway for six suspected Iranian-backed Islamist terrorists who illegally entered Britain on migrant boats.
Over 25,000 illegals have landed on British shores since the start of the year as Rishi Sunak continues to fail to solve the crisis.
Over 20,000 boat migrants have reached the UK this year as Prime Minister Rishi Sunak insisted his plan to stop the boats “is working”.
Six people died and dozens were rescued when a boat carrying migrants capsized Saturday in the English Channel.
Around 21,000 illegal migrants entered the UK without being detected on the backs of lorries, ferries, or through airports last year.
The troubles for Rishi Sunak appear to be mounting as his approval rating fell into the negatives among Tory Party members for the first time.
The number of illegal migrants that have crossed the English Channel from France has reportedly topped 10,000 since the start of the year
Nigel Farage mocked Rishi Sunak as over 1,200 boat migrants landed in Britain just a week after the PM claimed success in stopping the boats.
Bureaucrats in Britain’s deep state threatened to go on strike over the government’s plan to deport illegal boat migrants to Rwanda.
Despite thousands of boats bringing illegal migrants to Britain, the government only managed to charge 82 people smugglers last year.
The British government will reportedly introduce mandatory age checks for illegal migrants who claim to be children.
The French Navy forced a ferry to perform a dangerous manoeuvre in order to escort migrant boats into UK waters on Easter, a report claimed.
A reported nineteen suspected terrorists infiltrated the UK by illegally crossing the Channel in small migrant boats and claiming asylum.
The UK only managed to remove 215 of the tens of thousands of illegal migrants who crossed the English Channel in small boats last year.
The British government’s latest scheme aimed at ending the Channel migrant crisis will just end up fueling it, a union official representing Border Force members has claimed.
Britain’s Border Force has reportedly been ordered to “deprioritise” searches for guns and drugs entering the UK in order to keep immigration lines flowing.
Nigel Farage has warned that the UK faces the prospect of suffering the same fate as Sweden if it continues down the path of mass migration.
Nearly 400 illegal boat migrants crossed the English Channel in small boats from the beaches of France on Wednesday.
The UK government is considering forcing tech companies to remove videos that show illegal boat migrant crossings in a “positive light”.
A Border Force officer arrested by anti-corruption cops may have been outed as being an illegal himself, according to a papers claims.
A new record of illegal boat migrant arrivals was set on Christmas day in Britain, as 90 migrants were brought ashore on Sunday.
Air travelers faced possible delays at U.K. airports Friday as government employees who check passports went on strike.
Sunak announced a plan to deal with the English Channel crisis, including signing a pact with Albania to quickly return illegals