Columbia Prof.: Antisemitism, ‘Anti-West Indoctrination’ Getting Worse, DOJ Antisemitism Probe Is ‘Great’

On Wednesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Columbia Business School Professor Ran Kivetz praised the Justice Department’s campus antisemitism task force and stated that while the riots and violence have calmed, “Below ground, the antisemitism, the systemic antisemitism at Columbia, the anti-West indoctrination continue[s] and increase[s].”

Kivetz said, “This commission is absolutely necessary. It’s a great step. Things have gotten better above ground. So, the type of riots…that went on consistently at Columbia University, those type[s] of riots and violence and tak[ing] over buildings has calmed down. Below ground, the antisemitism, the systemic antisemitism at Columbia, the anti-West indoctrination continue[s] and increase[s].”

He added, “Some of the professors who are driving the systemic antisemitism, who are ideologues, extremely biased ideologues, not just against Israel, against the West, are the same professors who are directing — some of them, the same professors who are directing the undergraduate program, the core curriculum. Some of them are the ones who are adjudicating the violators of the regulations. So, it’s a self-perpetuating system where some of these professors hire others that have [a] similar, monolithic ideology like them, tenure them, and it just perpetuates itself.”

Kivetz concluded that the commission will “look into the systemic antisemitism. I think what they’ll find is many other things that are correlated that go along with that, including, again, as I said, anti-West indoctrination, a severe bias against our way of life, against freedom, against free markets, against the same systems that allow people to teach.”

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