
Woke Royal Navy Big Wigs Rename Submarine HMS Agincourt to Spare French Feelings

Britain’s Royal Navy confirmed Sunday the seventh and final Astute-class nuclear-powered attack submarine, previously named HMS Agincourt, will now be called HMS Achilles in a move already described as “craven political correctness” because it seeks to spare French blushes by no longer recalling one of England’s greatest military victories.

One of the Royal Navy's seven Astute-class nuclear-powered attack submarine moves through

Desperation: French PM Offers Concessions to Populists on Proportional Representation and Taxes in Bid to Cling Onto Power

In an apparent attempt to fend off a re-run of the quick collapse of his predecessor, French Prime Minister François Bayrou attempted to throw out some red meat to the right in his maiden speech to the National Assembly, backing proportional representation, increased deportations, and avoiding heavy tax hikes on businesses. However, it remains to be seen how long Bayrou can keep the knives at bay in Paris.

Portrait of France s Prime Minister Francois Bayrou speaking from the rostrum, Statement o